3 Types of Emergency Lighting & Their Benefits
Emergency lighting helps people make important decisions in dangerous situations by clearly marking exits and pathways to safety. In fact, this is why emergency lighting is mandated in public buildings—and why Northland Fire & Safety of Superior, WI, considers it one of their most important commercial and industrial services alongside fire suppression systems and fire extinguishers.

These safety experts explain the different types of emergency lighting that can help keep customers safe in a variety of situations.
Open Area Lighting: It’s hard to deny the benefits of powerful illumination when performing a task that requires a high degree of precision, such as surgery, but it can also save lives in more general situations. Many large hallways and foyers are illuminated 24/7 to let occupants see where they’re going and to minimize panic during emergencies. This type of lighting can also be a powerful deterrent against illicit activities, keeping buildings even safer.
Task Lighting: This type of emergency lighting helps people see when they need to perform a safety procedure like breaking glass to access a shut-off switch, reading safety instructions, opening an emergency exit, or operating a fire extinguisher.

Backup Lighting: Power outages usually aren’t emergencies in private homes, but they can be highly disruptive in places like hospitals and businesses. Backup generators are critical for resuming normal operations and continuing to provide emergency lighting. This is why Fire Protection Equipment Co. offers a range of different power sources for their emergency lighting systems.